There is always some excitement in the air when you are about to move to a new city. Your mind fills with thoughts of a new lifestyle, career, and living in a completely different home. But before you can find solace in the post-move chaos, you must go through with the arduous task of packing your possessions in boxes and transporting them to your new home.
While this can be stressful, and understandably so, the stress can be pretty intense if you find yourself moving in the winter. New variables pop up, such as the extreme cold and heavy snowfall, adding to the clutter one must move through to get the moving truck. Slippery driveways and sudden snow storms can cause delays, throwing your whole moving schedule off.
However, with good planning and sharp moving tips, you can stay ahead of the winter madness and offer yourself a more organized moving experience.
Plan for inclement weather
Winter weather is not everyone’s cup of tea, and we understand that it can sometimes cause more problems to one’s moving plan. We suggest keeping track of weather reports, so you are always prepared for the worst possible outcome. Plan your move around the days without heavy snowfall and dangerous driving conditions caused by freezing rain or blizzards.
Doing your packing in advance will allow you to move at the most opportune time. Collaborate with your moving company, and have several backup dates for a possible move. In this case, being flexible with your moving date will be safer and less stressful.
Remove snow/ice from your driveway
Summer moving is such a breeze with no added obstacles in the way. Winter moving is an entirely different story. Snow can significantly reduce the amount of space you have to navigate from your front entrance to the moving truck.
The addition of icy patches could cause accidents and potentially damage your possessions if one were to fall while carrying something fragile. Before your team of hired movers arrives, be sure to remove all snow from the front entrance and driveway. Use copious amounts of salt on ice patches to allow for grip and greatly reduce the possibility of falls.
Protect your flooring
There is a reason why people always stomp their feet on the carpet when entering a home or public space. Winter can be quite messy, with boots tracking snow, ice, dirt, and salt into your home. The people moving your furniture and other belongings will not have time to constantly remove and put on their boots to complete the job.
It is important to make sure your flooring is well protected from snow and so forth. Moving companies customarily set up carpets and other protective layers to spare your floor from any potential damage. If you are taking on the moving duties yourself, we suggest using runners or old rugs.
Turn the heat off
Yes, winter can be pretty cold, and while you want to stay warm and cozy when moving your boxed belongings into the truck, we are afraid that will not be possible. With the constant going in and out of the home, your front door will probably stay wide open for quite some time, letting all the warm air out. Your heating system will work hard for absolutely nothing, causing your bill to be exceedingly high.
Call us Today!
We know moving can be overwhelmingly stressful. At Avant-Garde Moving, we aim to take away that stress and provide you with a pleasant moving experience. Call us at
929 282-4882 or fill out our
online contact form to reach us for a free quote.
42 West Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
8939 Oak Hill Road, Arkport NY 14807
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